Fundamental and Theory Research Group (Packard Lab 251):
The central theme of our research team at DCDS lab is to develop theoretical foundations for understanding underlying structure, dynamics, and holistic behaviors of complex networks of dynamical systems. Our research team aims to contribute towards the development of a theory of networks of dynamical systems that will provide new insights into design, control, and optimization of such complex networks.
Autonomy and Experimental Robotics Group (Mountain Top Lab):
Our lab is now researching advanced control capabilities in a 4000-square-foot Lehigh space known as the 'Flying Machines Coliseum'. It is equipped with a high-precision motion capture system, a central server, a wireless communication network, and custom software tools. Our team is developing design methodologies to optimize drone size, flight controller, and on-board sensors by integrating and co-designing control and navigation algorithms. Our fundamental interest is long term autonomy.