- Introduction to Robot Autonomy: Modeling, Control, and Perception, ME 350/ME 450, Fall 2018
- State-Space Control, ME/ECE/CHE 433, Fall 2012-2018
- Principles of Robot Autonomy, ME 450, Spring 2018
- Nonlinear Control Systems, MECH 450, Lehigh, Spring 2017
- Advanced Dynamical Systems, ME 450, Lehigh, Spring 2016
- Distributed Control Systems, MECH 450, Lehigh, Spring 2015, 2016
- Digital Control, ME 387, Lehigh, Spring 2014, 2015
- Convex Optimization, MECH 450, Lehigh, Fall 2013
- Complex Networks of Dynamical Systems, MECH 450, Lehigh, Fall 2012
- Analytical Methods in Dynamics and Vibration, MECH 425, Lehigh, spring 2012
- Introduction to Dynamical Systems, CDS 140B, caltech, Winter 2010, spring 2011
- Nonlinear Control Theory, UPenn, Spring 2008